Bruxism or Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is very common and tends to occur – or become worse – in stressful periods of our lives such as: exams, family stress, emotional stress etc.

Some people will notice their grinding habits, but many only grind their teeth in their sleep and are sometimes not aware of it until their dentist see the wear on the teeth.

Excessive grinding can cause a lot of damage to the occlusal (biting) surface of the teeth, causing sensitivity and pain. Grinding can also put a lot of strain on the muscles of the jaw, causing headaches, and neck, shoulder and back pain.

To prevent further wear on the teeth, you may be advised to have an occlusal splint – also known as ‘night guard’ or ‘night splint’. An occlusal splint is a custom made tray that moulds perfectly to your teeth and had a thicker section on the biting surface.

When you are feeling stressed, and particularly at night-time, the splint can help reduce strain on the joint and muscles as well as act like a cushion to the grinding action between the teeth.